Sign the commitment of HEIs for Rio+20

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Sign the commitment of HEIs for Rio+20

On behalf of its members, the International Association of Universities (IAU) signed the Declaration on Higher Education for sustainable development. Today, IAU invites all members of its network and all word wild campus to get involved by signing this declaration.

To celebrate 20 years of its first conference on sustainable development, the UN will meet again in Rio from 20 to 22 June 2012, in the Earth Summit "Rio +20". This meeting will aim at ensuring the renewal of the political commitment of world governments in sustainable development, assessing progress and remaining gaps and initiating discussions on emerging challenges.

For this special occasion and within the framework of the UN Decade on Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014 (for which UNESCO is lead agency), a statement of institutional commitment for sustainable practices in HEIs was prepared to recognize their special responsibility in promoting development through research and learning.

As stakeholders, HEIs are asked to commit to take actions for sustainable development and to play a key role in signing the Declaration of Higher Education for Sustainable Development prepared for Rio +20

Education for Sustainable Development is to enable everyone to acquire values, skills and knowledge necessary for building sustainable societies. To forge those skills, Education promotes an interdisciplinary approach, integrated planning, a participation in activities at local and global level and cooperation among stakeholders in decision making.

Signing this declaration, you, chancellors, presidents, rectors, deans and principals acknowledge your responsibility in the consideration of sustainable development within your institution. You agree that your school teaches the concepts of sustainable development in its various configurations, you encourage research on topics of sustainability and you support the development of good practices, sharing your results and participating in UN international initiatives Nation as stakeholders.

Useful links

The Higher Education Institutions declaration is available here:

Please print the document, sign it, and send it back here: