First winners of new UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development

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UNESCO-Japan Prize

First winners of new UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development

The three laureates are Asociación SERES from Guatemala/El Salvador; the Centre for Development of Early Childhood, Non-Formal and Informal Education from Indonesia; and rootAbility from Germany

Director-General of UNESCO, Ms Irina Bokova, has announced the names of the first winners of the newly established UNESCO-Japan Prize for outstanding projects related to Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).

The three laureates are Asociación SERES from Guatemala/El Salvador; the Centre for Development of Early Childhood, Non-Formal and Informal Education from Indonesia; and rootAbility from Germany. The three organizations will each receive an award of USD 50,000.

The UNESCO-Japan Prize was established in 2014 to honour outstanding efforts of individuals, institutions and organizations engaged in ESD activities. The Award Ceremony for the 2015 Prize will take place in the evening of 5 November at UNESCO Headquarters. The next call for nominations is planned to be launched in January for the 2016 edition of the Prize.