The University of Nottingham
The University of Nottingham
The University of Nottingham is committed to becoming a leading green university: The University of Nottingham has been ranked number one in the world for third time in a list of the most sustainable universities (out of 360 universities that took part in the Greenmetric Ranking of World Universities 2014, which is produced by the University of Indonesia).
The rankings take into account a wide range of criteria and there are 62 categories including green statistics, energy and climate change, waste management, transport and education around green issues.
The University aims at reducing energy consumption, increasing efficiencies, use more renewable energy sources and reduce its carbon footprint. The Plan includes a new framework for large scale investment to deliver these targets.
The actions are:
- Generating its own energy from renewable sources such as solar panels, solar water heating and biomass boilers
- Installing low-energy lighting
- Upgrading buildings insulation
- Designing new buildings to be as energy efficient as possible and maximise natural daylight
- Improving corridor ventilation systems
- Cutting down on the need for air conditioning
- Upgrading inefficient boilers and equipment
- Reviewing use of fume cupboards in laboratories
- Running a number of green IT projects to cut down on printer use, shut off PCs automatically at night, and promote greener ways to use IT
- Increasing awareness and encouraging behavior change