University for Development Studies
University for Development Studies
The University for Development Studies (UDS) is Ghana’s first public University in the North. It was established by the Government of Ghana by PNDC Law 279 and gazette on 15th May, 1992 with aims:
- to provide higher education to all persons suitably qualified and capable of benefiting from such education;
- to undertake research and promote the advancement and dissemination of knowledge and its application to the needs and aspirations of the people of Ghana; and
- to blend the academic world with that of the community in order to provide constructive interaction between the two for the total development of northern Ghana in particular and the country as a whole.
The pedagogical philosophy of UDS is said to have been borne out of a new thinking in higher education emphasizing the need for universities as teaching and research institutions to play more active role in addressing societal problems (especially rural areas) for speedy development.
The University by its mandate and constituency has a pro-poor focus and this is reflected in its methodology of teaching, research and outreach services. The specific emphasis on practically-oriented, research and field-based training is aimed at contributing towards poverty reduction in order to accelerate national development.
The University is envisaged to be a Home of World Class Pro-Poor Scholarship.
“Knowledge for Service”
- Promote equitable and socio-economic transformation of communities through practically oriented, community based, problem solving, gender sensitive and interactive research, teaching, learning and outreach activities.
- Provide higher education to persons suitably qualified for and capable of benefiting from it.
- Position itself as a national asset in the facilitation of lifelong learning.
- Develop its information and communication technology infrastructure as the driving force for the education of more people, more rapidly and the improvement of efficiency and academic quality in order to advance community and national development