International conference “Bridging Education and Science for Sustainable Development”

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International conference “Bridging Education and Science for Sustainable Development”

The Latvian National Commission for UNESCO in cooperation with the UNESCO Chair at the Daugavpils University and National Centre for Education is organizing the international conference “Bridging Education and Science for Sustainable Development”.

From : Wednesday, December 2 2015To : Thursday, December 3 2015


The conference aims to promote both philosophical and practical aspects of education for sustainable development by focusing on three thematic strands:

1.       Transforming the World into a Better Place through Higher Education and Research;

2.       Reorienting Pedagogical Practices to Build a Better Future for All;

3.       Accelerating Action for Sustainable Development.

The conference will gather education experts, researchers, university students, school leaders and teachers, representatives from NGOs and government institutions in Latvia and internationally to discuss progress to date and challenges that lie ahead with regard to education for sustainable development at all levels, and to forge new partnerships amongst higher education, research communities, schools and other institutions.

For more information



Associated university(ies) : 
Daugavplis University