College of Service Business


College of Service Business

Visoka škola za uslužni biznis
Cara Lazara bb, 71350 Sokolac - East Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska
71350 Sokolac
Bosnia and Herzegovina

The College of Service Business was founded in 2007, in Sokolac - East Sarajevo, with the desire to become a regional center of modern education, with the aim of educating competent and capable leaders, building successful careers and contributing to the development of their business environment. VUB is an accredited higher education institution and its programs and titles are in accordance with the Bologna Declaration.

VUB follows modern scientific achievements with great attention and transfers this knowledge to students through modern curricula and programs. Of special importance are modern and functional technical and technological conditions with a tendency to quickly equalize with the most advanced world institutions in this field. Because the university's goal is to provide young people with quality studies in their own country, without the need to go to neighboring countries or further afield. Moreover, to acquire the necessary theoretical knowledge and master practical skills and in the future work to do the job they love with satisfaction, and to use it to the best possible extent for the betterment of the profession and society as a whole.


The School's vision is also to ensure the recognition of its graduates on the labor market through their creativity, general culture and expertise. 


Latest update: 08/22/2023