Budapest University of Technology and Economics


Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem
Műegyetem rkp. 3


Founded in 1782, the Budapest University of Technology and Economics is the most significant university of technology in Hungary and is considered the world's oldest institute of technology which has university rank and structure. It was the first institute in Europe to train engineers at university level. 

More than 110 departments and institutes operate within the structure of eight faculties. About 1100 lecturers, 400 researchers and other degree holders and numerous invited lecturers and practicing expert specialists participate in education and research at the university. Approximately 1381 of the university's 21,171 students are foreigners, coming from 50 countries. The Budapest University of Technology and Economics issues about 70% of Hungary's engineering degrees.  

Latest update: 08/22/2023