Information and resources for Multi-stakeholder Partnerships
Information and resources for Multi-stakeholder Partnerships
Action category:
Leadership and Professional Development,
Assessment for integrating sustainable development
Associated keywords:
multi-stakeholder partnerships,
sustainable future
Latest update: 09/26/2023
Sustainable Development Goals
A multi-stakeholder partnership is a type of cooperation with the following features:
- It comes about with the participation of at least three of the sectors of business, civil society, academia, and government.
- It has shared goals, decision-making, planning, and activities among members.
- It aims to create shared value and transformative change at the societal level.
- It has a governance structure, e.g., steering committee and secretariat.
- Goals, stakeholder contributions, and responsibilities are usually defined in a memorandum of understanding.
Partnerships2030 promote multi-stakeholder-partnerships for sustainable development and offer services for the connection and the creation of potential partnerships with individualized and standardized trainings.
Find out more on events, news, publications and other very important resources for multi-stakeholder partnerships.