Test your student and staff knowledge on the UN’s Global Agenda
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Test your student and staff knowledge on the UN’s Global Agenda
New Sulitest Module on the Sustainable Development Goals available in English and in French!
From the beginning, Sulitest has been committed to supporting SDGs. It has also been recognized as one of the 17 featured initiatives in the UN Partnership for SDGs. Each Sulitest question is aligned with one or more of the relevant SDGs, thus creating the largest database on citizens' understanding and commitment to SDGs. Last October, the UN’s Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA) signed a partnership with Sulitest to make it one of the tools for measuring and monitoring SDGs.
A Sulitest module of specific questions made by UN-DESA on the SDG process has just been made available for universities all over the world. To invite your students, create a new session and add the "UN DESA SDGs Module" as a specialized module.
More information
Hilligje van't Land, IAU Secretary General, is member of the Sulitest Board.