Earth Charta online course on Leadership, Sustainability, and Ethics

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Earth Charta online course on Leadership, Sustainability, and Ethics

This training programme is offered twice a year, in an online format. This course is designed to strengthen the skills needed for young people around the world, from the ages of 18-35, to become active leaders in their community towards a more just, sustainable, and ethical world.

Throughout the course, participants will expand their knowledge on certain themes such as; Leadership, Ethics, Sustainability, Earth Charter principles, Eco-literacy, Systems Thinking, and how to successfully design and implement a workshop in their community.

Our goal at the end of the course is to enhance each participants’ consciousness to contribute to the greater good, inspire like-minded individuals to collaborate across borders, and develop the confidence to use their voice as a leader!

Upon successful completion, participants will have the opportunity of joining the Earth Charter Young Leaders Programme (ECYL). ECYLs act as focal points within the Earth Charter Youth Network (ECYN), connecting with, motivating, and engaging more youth in their communities while creating and participating in courses, workshops, and webinars.

Learn more and share with your networks!


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