2020 RCE Applications deadline extended

News / Actualités

2020 RCE Applications deadline extended

Is your organisation interested in facilitating learning towards sustainable development in your local or regional community? The Global RCE Service Centre is accepting applications until 30/04/20

Is your organisation interested in facilitating learning towards sustainable development in your local or regional community? The Global RCE Service Centre is currently accepting applications for 2020 to become acknowledged as a Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development (RCE).

Before applying, please take time to review the Guidelines for RCE Applications and key dates in the application process, announced in the open call here. To apply, please submit an application and an application summary to the Global RCE Service Centre (rceservicecentre@unu.edu) by 30 April, 2020 (11:59pm JST).

Before applying, please take time to review the Guidelines for RCE Applications and key dates in the application process, announced in the open call here. Sample applications are also available from RCE Greater Portland and RCE Bordeaux Aquitaine.

To apply, please submit an application and an application summary to the Global RCE Service Centre (rceservicecentre@unu.edu) by 30 April, 2020 (11:59pm JST).

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goal : Sustainable cities & communities
Associated university(ies) : 
United Nations University