2 IAU Cluster Lead universities include Sustainable Development in Strategic Plans 2020-2025

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2 IAU Cluster Lead universities include Sustainable Development in Strategic Plans 2020-2025

IAU HESD Cluster Leaders from Canada reaffirming their commitment to Sustainable Development in their Strategic Plans 2020-2025

York University (Cluster Leader for SDG 4 : Quality Education) and The University of Regina (Cluster Leader for SDG 12 : Responsible Consumption and Production) just published their new strategic plan 2020-2025, with a leadership level fully based on the Sustainable Development of the university, encouraging and multiplying actions for the SDGs at the levels of teaching, research and administration, applying a Whole-Institution-Approach leaded by IAU to his members and the global community

Learn more about York University Academic Plan 2020-2025

Learn more about The University of Regina Strategic Plan 2020-2025
Pages 18-19 introduce a table related to each of the plan's focus areas that links them to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goal : Quality education
Sustainable Development Goal : Responsible consumption & production
Associated university(ies) : 
University of Regina York University