Sustainable on the Go Conference - York University

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Sustainable on the Go Conference - York University

Read the Conference Declaration and watch the recordings of this event

York University, IAU Cluster Lead for SDG4: Quality Education, organized an International Virtual Conference:

Sustainable and Inclusive Internationalization: Reimagining Approaches in Higher Education in an Era of Global Uncertainties

When? 20 - 22 January 2021

York University hosted the Sustainable and Inclusive Internationalization Virtual Conference, co-organized by York International, the UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Education Towards Sustainability and international partners, from January 20th to 22nd, 2021. The Conference brought together over 200 scholars, international mobility professionals and practitioners, policymakers, sustainability experts and other stakeholders to discuss the evolving status of international mobility in higher education in Canada and globally, critically reflect on where we are now, and to collectively build a future vision of international mobility that is inclusive, innovative and responsive to the global sustainability challenges of our times.

NEW: Recordings are available next to the respective sessions in the conference programme here:

NEW: Read the Conference Declaration, adopted virtually on the last conference day, here:
2021 Toronto Declaration on the Future of Sustainable and Inclusive Internationalization in Higher Education

IAU is pleased to partner with York University for this conference, as well as with the other partners the Canadian Commission for UNESCO and Okayama University.

Learn more about the conference:

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goal : Quality education
Associated organization(s) : 
International Association of Universities (IAU)
Associated university(ies) : 
York University