CICan’s SDG Toolkit

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CICan’s SDG Toolkit

Publications and information for working with the SDGs

CICan’s SDG Toolkit for Canadian Colleges and Institutes is a brand-new practical guide made available to all post-secondary institutions as an open educational resource (OER). This is the first such resource produced by CICan and will serve as an evergreen tool that colleges and institutes can continue developing. It includes valuable information about the SDGs, tips on how to implement them in post-secondary contexts as well as best-practices and resources. IAU Cluster SDG 4 Lead, York University, has contributed with a foreword by Prof. Charles Hopkins, UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Education towards Sustainability, York University to this guide. The guide and further information can be found here:

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goal : Quality education
Associated organization(s) : 
Universities Canada
Associated university(ies) : 
York University