ALMAGOALS - Projects and Research with Impact at the University of Bologna

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ALMAGOALS - Projects and Research with Impact at the University of Bologna

Various collaborative research projects at the University of Bologna and ALMAGOALS address sustainability issues and SDGs

For Women's Day 2021 (8 March), IAU and UNIBO are launching a joint publication on SDG 5: Gender Equality. In this context, we are looking also at UNIBO's actions for the SDGs - the list below provides examples of current projects in support of Agenda 2030 and details can be found here:

The project NANOMEMC2 develops innovative CO2 selective membranes, using nanocellulose and graphene. This helps to create a more sustainable production with lower CO2 emissions, aligned with SDG 9 of the Agenda 2030.

The project EUMentorSTEM aims to support the labour market inclusion of migrant women with a STEM background (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) aligned with SDG 5 of the Agenda 2030.

The PLOTINA projects wants to enable the development, implementation and assessment of self-tailored Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) with innovative and sustainable strategies for the Research Performing Organizations (RPOs) involved. This projects aims to fulfill the SDG 5 to have a gender equal societies.

The research project PROVIDE intended to enhance the situation of public goods in Europe. Public goods are so important for the health and the development of the society. Aligned with SDG 15, this project aims to preserve the environment of forestry and agriculture fields, in order to create

The research project CATCH-EyoU wants to fill the gap between young people and political institutions. It empowers youth in democratic processes for a more sustainable and active society, creating a strong network aligned with SDG 17.

The research project xCycle developed systems to detect cyclists and autos from vehicles, in order to prevent road fatalities. Totally aligned with SDG 11, it helps to creates sustainable, resilient, safe, inclusive cities and promotes active mobility.

The research project ADMS implemented a system to monitors and acts on power networks. With non-invasive equipment it reduces power losses and increases grid efficiency, on the line with SDG 7.

The University of Bologna leads SDG 5: Gender Equality of the IAU Cluster on HESD.

ALMAGOALS the official website for the University of Bologna's engagement for Agenda2030 can be found here:

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goal : Industry, innovation & infrastructure
Sustainable Development Goal : Affordable & clean energy
Sustainable Development Goal : Gender equality
Sustainable Development Goal : Partnerships
Sustainable Development Goal : Life on land
Sustainable Development Goal : Sustainable cities & communities
Associated university(ies) : 
University of Bologna