EUA webinar series: Greening in European higher education institutions

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EUA webinar series: Greening in European higher education institutions

The three-part event will take place between 31 May and 4 June 2021.

Higher education institutions are well placed to play a key role in achieving the objectives of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda, as well as the European Green Deal. To make the sector’s commitment to environmental sustainability more visible and accessible, EUA recently launched an initiative on greening in higher education institutions. In the spring of 2021, institutions from across the EHEA contributed to a large-scale survey, sharing their approaches and activities in the field.

The input provided in the survey has great value to European universities and to the broader discussion taking place across Europe on this important topic. Therefore, EUA is pleased to present the preliminary findings during this webinar series, featuring discussions with higher education representatives on the following topics:

Webinar I (31 May, 14.00-15.00 CEST) - Environmental sustainability and the future of mobility and internationalisation :
Higher education institutions are highly internationalised, their staff and students frequently mobile across the EHEA and beyond. Preliminary data from EUA’s survey on greening suggests that a large share of institutions have made efforts to address environmental sustainability at the core of their missions.

Find out more on Webinar I here :

Webinar II (3 June 2021, 14.00-15.00 CEST) - The environmental sustainability of learning and teaching :
Education is key to achieving an environmentally sustainable society, as it builds awareness and the ability to develop solutions for complex issues. A dedicated EUA Learning & Teaching Thematic Peer Group analysed this topic in 2020, focusing on how learning and teaching can embrace and promote sustainability.

Find out more on Webinar II here :

Webinar III (4 June 2021, 14.00-15.00 CEST) - University strategies and actions for environmental sustainability :
Higher education institutions are important actors in the transition towards carbon neutrality and sustainable societies, and many have taken concrete steps to address environmental sustainability at the strategic level. But drivers and approaches can be quite different across higher education institutions and systems.

Find out more on Webinar III here :

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goal : Climate action
Associated organization(s) : 
European University Association