[recording available] IAU HESD at the 9th World Sustainability Forum 2021

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[recording available] IAU HESD at the 9th World Sustainability Forum 2021

IAU organised a virtual session on HigherEd and SDGs on 13 September

The 9th World Sustainability Forum took place virtually from 13-15 September 2021. IAU organised the session on Higher Education and Research – How universities around the world engage with Sustainability and build partnerships for the SDGs. The session focused on SDG 3, 4 and 17. Next to IAU Secretary-General Hilligje van’t Land and President Pam Fredman, presentations by experts included Karolinska Institute, UNU-IAS, Makerere University and Rhodes University. The key message of the session was that leaving no one behind — the central promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development — depends on ensuring education for all. In closing, Hilligje van’t Land (Secretary-General, IAU) stressed the need to continue connecting in different ways in order to build bridges globally and to improve cooperation mechanisms together. More on the WSF 2021: https://wsf-9.sciforum.net/ Watch the recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQjEjOvT3wU

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goal : Quality education
Sustainable Development Goal : Good health & well-being
Sustainable Development Goal : Partnerships
Associated organization(s) : 
International Association of Universities (IAU)