Wellcome Report on Language-based equity in African health science research
Wellcome Report on Language-based equity in African health science research
Sustainable Development Goals
This report (May 2021) commissioned by the UK-based global foundation Wellcome Trust examines language as a barrier to health science research in Africa, and recommends practical solutions. This study presented in the report has three specific objectives: 1. To examine whether the use of English, in the African context, is a barrier to the advancement and success of health science researchers either individually, nationally or internationally, and to the advancement of health science more widely in Africa. 2. To examine whether the use of English, in the African context, is contributing to wider structural inequalities within the general health science research ecosystem. 3. To recommend practical solutions to addressing concerns identified. Find the full report here: https://cms.wellcome.org/sites/default/files/2021-06/language-based-equi... Yarmoshuk, A.N., et al., Research into language-based equity in African health science research. 2021, The Wellcome Trust: London, UK.
The report will be launched officially during a webinar on 30th november 2021, registration and more information here: https://www.acu.ac.uk/acu-events/language-based-equity-african-health-re...