IAU HESD Cluster and UN Global Goals Week 18-26 September 2020
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IAU HESD Cluster and UN Global Goals Week 18-26 September 2020
Join the Global Goals week 18-26 September - share your initiatives for the SDGs with the IAU network!
With the 75th UN General Assembly already started (15-30 September 2020), a unique forum for multilateral negotiation, IAU and Members are getting active for a media campaign, showing their contributions in teaching, research, community engagement and more. The 75th General Assembly will deal with several themes such as peace, disarmament, promotion of human rights. When it comes to sustainable development the UN General Assembly will work among other things on protecting global climate for present and future generations and on implementing Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. Most session can be followed live, we invite you to visit the UN General Assembly website to know more: https://www.un.org/en/ga/
Over the course of three days during the UN General Assembly on 22-24 September the SDG Action Zone will convene actors, leading thinkers and activists to debate and discuss solutions to reach the Sustainable Development Goals. This year the SDG Action Zone will be fully virtual which will create a more transparent, open and inclusive UN General Assembly. Find out more about the SDG Action Zone here: https://sdgactionzone.org
>>Get involved in the Global Goals week!
IAU is following the high-level event from distance and communicating on its twitter account @IAU_HESD. For the Global Goals Week, which brings together different actors and events around UNGA, (https://globalgoalsweek.org/) we invite the IAU HESD Cluster (https://www.iau-hesd.net/en/contenu/4648-iau-global-cluster-hesd.html) and IAU Members to share initiatives from higher education for the SDGs with the hashtag #IAUClusterSDGs and tagging @IAU_HESD. We will also give extra visibility to the IAU HESD Cluster on our Website and the HESD Portal.
The action is listed on the ACT4SDGs official page here >>https://www.act4sdgs.org/partner/IAUClusterSDGs
Send us an email at: contact@iau-hesd.net