Antonio Nariño University
Antonio Nariño University
The Universidad Antonio Nariño is a higher education institution with a clear commitment to Colombia. Its mission is "to form suitable and competitive, ethical and humanist citizens, with autonomous and critical thinking, and highly qualified people committed to the positive transformation processes of the country, based on the incorporation, diffusion, generation and innovation of universal knowledge.(...)".
The challenge of Antonio Nariño University is to position itself as one of the best universities in the country, with critical, autonomous and global thinking, nationally and internationally certified. By being at the forefront of knowledge, it contributes to national competitiveness in science, arts and technology.
Sustainability @ Antonio Nariño University
Antonio Nariño University attempts to reach its goals by establishing mechanism such as our Institutional Development Plan (IDP) 2017 - 2021. It includes clear references to sustainable development, embracing its purpose to prepare students for an inclusive and sustainable society. UAN recognizes the challenges to build a nation in peace, with a growing and sustainable economy, with an efficient use of its own resources through taking care of its public service expenses and monitoring of the environmental impact of its facilities. UAN is looking forward to creating a culture of sustainability and environmental concerns in the communities where it develops its functions.
Find out more about the University's SDG Strategy:
Antonio Nariño University leads SDG 2: Zero Hunger of the IAU Cluster on HESD